Grand Conferences

Program Grand Conferences WSF 2016

Montreal, August 10-12, 2016

18h à 19h30

Wednesday August 10th 2016 Thursday August 11th 2016 Friday August 12th 2016

(Studio-théâtre Alfred Laliberté)

People and the Planet before profit! Voices of Resistance and Alternatives

MILITANTS: Maxima Acuña (Water defender, Pérou), Nixon Boumba , Amélie Canonne , Lucile Daumas, Nick Dearden, Shalmali Guttal , Isaac Asume Osuoka , Humberto Piaguaje , Joseph Purugganan , Pablo Solón , Cindy Weisner, Berta Zuñiga Cáceres et plus.

ARTISTS: Christian Vanasse, Mykalle Bielinski , Sarah Elola, Tomás Jensen , Andrés Salas P, Claudia Bernal , et la relève en danse: Danae S. Barrera, Marianne Boivin, Valentina Merchán, Sékou Conté, Juan Esteban Moreno, Heidy Botero, Daniel Diaz, Nora Milena Yanes, Yulia Shupenia, Rafik Boudersa Duroy.

Education, environment and eco-citizenship :
the art of living together.

Speakers :
Riccardo Petrella
Patrick Viveret
Lucie Sauvé
Robert Litzler

Confronting Israeli Apartheid : The role and goals of BDS.

Speakers :
Ali Abunimah
Omar Barghouti
Zahia El-Masri
Jamal Jom’a

Monument National
(Salle Ludger-Duvernay)

Stand up for social justice!

Speakers :

Kalpona Akter
Álvaro García Linera, Laura Gonzalez de Txabarri

Palestinians under Apartheid,
Occupation and Siege.Speakers :
Bassel Ghattas
Zakaria Odeh
Nora Carmi

Société des Arts et Technologies
(SAT)(18 ans et +)

Tax Havens at the Centre of the Inequalities Crisis.

Speakers :
Riccardo Fuentes
Erica Dayle
Alain Deneault

The Age of Humanity : Let’s Build a Political
Community of Humanity United in its Diversity.Speakers :
Chico Withaker
Alexandre Warnet
Cathy Wong
Michèle Asselin
Augustin Antoine

Creation and Resilience. The Precious Power of the Inconsolable

Speakers :
Manon Barbeau
Melissa Mollen Dupuis, Tarcila Rivera Zea

(Pavillon Leacock – 132)

Beyond the private sector: How can the plural sector get its collective act together?

Speakers :
Henry Mintzberg
Alex Megelas

Another digital world is needed: with free software, it is possible!

Speakers :
Richard Stallman
Marianne Corvellec

From Africa to the Americas,
Women fight for their rights Speakers :
Bertita Caceres
Itzel Gonzalez
Shalmali Guttal
Mama Koité Doumbia
Aminata Traoré

(Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie,
Pavillon Judith Jasmin)

Education for All: From Dream to Reality.

Speakers :
Edgar Morin
Aminata Traoré
Mamadou Ndoye
Sergio Haddad

Change the system, not the climate !

Speakers :
Naomi Klein
Tadzio Muller
Maité Llanos
Anne Céline Guyon
Clayton Thomas-Muller
Roger Rashi
Stefanie Ehmsen

Arab Spring, 5 years later.
Egypt as an example.

Speakers :
Maha Azzem
Haroon Siddiqui
Ehab Lotayef

Complexe Desjardins

Impact of neoliberalism on social inequality and health

Speakers :
Ron Labonté
Moyses Martins , Eriel Deranger , Sylvie Paquerot

Stronger than hate: the struggles and achievements
of the LGBT community.

Speakers :

Rami Ayari, Karin Hazé et Maurice Tomlinson

Audism et ableism : two “isms” too often forgotten.

Speakers :
Lawrence Carter-Long
Pamela E. Witcher
Laurence Parent

(Pavillon Hall H-110)

Defeating War: Syria under siege.

Speakers :
Gilbert Achcar
Samar Yazbek

Truths and lies on public debt.

Speakers :
Dominique Plihon
Maria Elena Saludas
Chantal Santerre
Claude Vaillancourt
Maud Bailly

Basic Income, a Major Social Innovation for the 21st Century.

Speakers :
Karl Widerquist
Nkateko Chauke
Nicole Teke
Rutger Bregman
Marcus Brancaglione

In partnership with WSF

Université McGill
Faculté de droit
3660 rue Peel
salle 100

In partnership with the World Federalist
Movement – Canada, McGill
University Institute for the Study
of International Development,
McGill University Faculty of Law.

From Global to Local: The Importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to Reconciliation in Canada.

Speakers :
Le sénateur Murray Sinclair
l’hon. Warren Allmand
Prof. Catherine Lu
Prof. Payam Akhavan

Parc Henri Bourassa

* August 13th 2016 17h30
In partnership with Hoodstock

Strange Fruit : Making common cause for a racism-free world.

Speakers :
Jennie-Laure Sully
Rose Brewer
Kali Akuno
Viviane Michel
Fatima Tifa