Equipe Appui – Extension – Calendar FSM 2016 – Support Team

Member’s groups

  • Organization
    active 1 year, 6 months ago

    The League of Revolutionaries for a New America is made up of people from all walks of life. We are tied together by a common aim – the end of exploitation, the public ownership of the means of production, and the distribution of the products of society according to need.

    The League joins other revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its ruthless devastation of the earth and life. We trace injustice to the capitalist system and seek to show how society’s problems can be solved when it is reorganized along cooperative lines.

    Society must be reorganized so that the abundance made possible by science and technology benefits all — a society that puts humanity above profits.

    Public Group / 8 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Le Club des Jeunes Biologistes (CJB), crée par des jeunes chercheurs à l’Université de Tunis El Manar, volontaires et totalement passionnés par leur métier, est un club à but non lucratif et apolitique.
    Avec une vision plus large et novatrice, le club vise à fédérer et représenter les jeunes chercheurs en biologie (doctorants et nouveaux docteurs) lors de différents événements scientifiques et sociaux. Les membres du club sont bénévolement impliqués dans, l’organisation des conférences et des journées scientifiques, dans le défense des droits de la nature, dans le développement des alternatives aux problèmes liés à l’environnement et dans la constitution des alliances entre les laboratoires de recherche scientifique à l’échelle nationale aussi bien qu’internationale.

    Public Group / 120 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Le Réseau des Associations de la Communauté Marocaine en Italie (RACMI) est une agrégation apolitique. Elle regroupe plus 250 associations actives dans les domaines des droits de l’Homme, la migration, la coexistence entre les peuples, le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux, l’art, le sport, la solidarité internationale, l’éducation, la lutte contre le racisme, la paix, la représentation des intérêts des immigrés au sein des instances publiques italiens (communes et provinces)….

    شبكة جمعيات الجالية المغربية بإيطاليا راكمي، نسيج جمعوي غير حزبي. تضم أكثر من 250 جمعية ناشطة في ميادين مختلفة في حقل حقوق الإنسان، الهجرة، التعايش بين الشعوب، الحوار الثقافي والديني، الفن، الرياضة، التضامن الدولي، التربية، مكافحة العنصرية، السلام، تمثيلية مصالح المهاجرين في المؤسسات العمومية الإيطالية في البلديات والأقاليم وغيرها.

    Public Group / 18 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Le comité de vigilance pour la démocratie a pour but de défendre et de promouvoir, partout dans le monde, la démocratie dans ses trois aspects fondamentaux : politique ; économique et social.
    Pour ce faire, le comité entend :
    Œuvrer concrètement pour le développement de la démocratie et pour l’amélioration des droits et des conditions de vie des peuples, les deux aspects étant inséparables. Il s’agit, par exemple de systématiquement envisager la démocratie dans sa globalité : c’est-à-dire ne pas se limiter à sa dimension procédurale, caractérisée par la compétition pour le pouvoir à travers des élections libres et concurrentielles. Ce qui implique de lier l’exercice démocratique à une plus grande efficacité économique ainsi qu’à une justice sociale plus accomplie.
    Défendre des services publics forts et capables de favoriser l’égalité entre les citoyens par l’accès à l’instruction, à la santé, au transport public, …
    Encourager une responsabilité politique forte pour assurer collectivement des risques sociaux (vieillesse, maladie, chômage, …)
    Promouvoir l’éducation populaire, ainsi que de mener des actions de tous ordres en vue de l’émergence du pouvoir des citoyens sur tous les aspects de la vie politique, économique, sociale et culturelle dans l’ensemble du monde.

    Public Group / 54 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Our mission is to connect with impoverished communities in the Southern World to provide transparent and sustainable business opportunities using Open Source Hardware (FabLabs). Learn more from this Article: http://bit.ly/29EH0Rm
    or connect with us: https://twitter.com/M_OV_E

    Public Group / 31 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Défense des droits de l’Homme (spécialement ceux de la femme et de l’enfant), Protection de l’environnement et conservation de la nature.

    Bonjour tous les amis,
    rouvez sur le lien ci-dessous le rapport de l’activité (extension) 82 sur les filles-mères et la scolarisation de leurs enfants. : http://logicielrdc.com/download/RAPPORT_ATELIER_DE_CONFERENCE_FILLES_MERES_ET_LEURS__ENFANTS.pdf

    Hello all friends,
    find the link below the report of the activity (extension) on 82 young mothers and their children’s schooling. : http://logicielrdc.com/download/RAPPORT_ATELIER_DE_CONFERENCE_FILLES_MERES_ET_LEURS__ENFANTS.pdf

    Public Group / 274 participants
  • Organization
    active 3 years, 7 months ago

    Assurer l’encadrement et la réinsertion sociale des personnes en situation difficile.
    Accompagner les personnes vulnérables par l’appui aux initiatives locales de développement et de réduction de la pauvreté. Mener des actions pour la protection de l’environnement, la diffusion des informations sur les changements climatiques et la préservation de la biodiversité.

    Public Group / 68 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    The I3 Investment Co­operative is a newly established BC based coop established to support collaborative proposals that arise from conversations between people and planet innovators and members of underserved communities around the world. It’s founding Board of Directors include Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation. I3 – ‘I’ to the power of 3 – stands for exponential Impact.

    Initiatives the coop supports includes solutions akin to the Sharing Economy: projects that take a community based approach in connecting needs, skills and resources to develop economic opportunity from within. They typically take advantage of Open Design, and mobile friendly tools, that facilitate peer to peer communication and commercial exchange.

    The purpose of the I3 Coop is to act as a catalyst for the emergence and convergence of forward thinking solutions that can overcome people and planet challenges that “Business As Usual” is unable to do. It exists because:

    1) Most people and planet innovators (such as the people who participated in the World Social Forum) are forced to bootstrap their work. They are new and returns they offer feel unfamiliar, such that even the most generous of angel investors and philanthropists can’t gather the information needed to see how and where to invest. I3 offers returns based on mitigating investor risk through qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques.

    2) Most innovators are unable to communicate with the people their solutions are designed to serve: the 80% of us who earn less than $5,000 a year. Unless we directly connect with our intended markets, the solutions we offer will likely fail. People living in the communities we want to serve must feel ownership of what’s being offered. They need to be part of the solution. By working together – as innovators and members of communities – what we produce will be far more bountiful than anything any ONE of us could offer alone. It’s the combination of our genius that will impact real change.

    3) Connecting conversations and solutions on an online platform, means they can be easily promoted and shared. To do this, the I3 Investment Coop (http://impacteconomy.io/) has partnered with The Citizens Media: a crowd investment platform.

    The I3 Investment Coop was invited to the WSF by MOVE: Makers for Open Value Economics. Our activities at WSF included the Talk4Change workshop where MOVE collaborators participated in a Google Hangout with Keabetswe Monsumane and Warren TeBrugge: founders of Bergnek Community Projects Cooperative. Bergnek is a rural community in Limpopo region of South Africa and the basis of I3’s pilot project. During the hangout, solutions providers in permaculture (podnet.net), community governance models (plenty4all.net), and data administration (universalalliance.org) deepened their understanding about the situation, needs and challenges going on in the community. Doing so generated interesting debate on how parts of everyone’s ideas could converge in a way that would enable the solutions for delivering the greatest value to rise to the surface.

    Future conversations on this project will take place on Bergnek’s microsite, from where people can ask questions that will be received and answered by members of the community:

    For more information on how the platform works, ‘Join The Conversation’ @ http://thecitizensmedia.com/

    – If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ”follow group” button here below
    – If you want to see the whole initiative press initiative’ in the menu bar below this text.

    Public Group / 3 participants
  • Self-managed committee
    active 4 years, 2 months ago

    The Migration and International Mobility Space will be a place of exchange, of reflection, of mobilization and of concrete action. It will be comprised of an ensemble of workshops, conferences, presentations, projects and initiatives of all kinds (awareness building, artistic, or other); and everything will revolve around the theme of migration and international mobility. The different activities or initiatives, as well as their specific
    content, will be decided, developed and managed entirely by the participants of the Space. They will, therefore, be reflective of their subjects of interest, their preoccupations,
    their perspectives and their expertise.

    Cet Espace, déployé dans le cadre du FSM 2016, est un lieu d’échange, de réflexion, de mobilisation et d’actions concrètes sur la question migratoire. Il sera constitué d’un ensemble d’ateliers, de conférences, de présentations, et de projets et initiatives de
    tous types (de conscientisation, de l’ordre artistique ou autre), le tout autour du thème de la migration et la mobilité internationale. Les différentes activités ou initiatives elles-mêmes, ainsi que tout leur contenu, seront décidées, développées et gérées entièrement par les participantEs. Ils reflèteront alors les sujets d’intérêt, les préoccupations, les perspectives et les expertises particulières des différents participantEs.

    Public Group / 112 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 2 months ago

    Declaration crafted from convergence assembly by the same name visible here
    We are committed to working in a broad social coalition, including with the south-led Global Alliance for Tax Justice, to realize our vision for a world where progressive, redistributive and transparent tax policies counteract inequalities within and between nations and generate the public funding needed to ensure governments deliver on their human rights obligations including the rights of women and vulnerable groups, a healthy and sustainable environment, strong social protection floors and quality public services for the common good of all.

    The role of tax in delivering human rights

    Tax is a critical tool for both realizing human rights and tackling inequality. Taxes are arguably the most important source of government revenue because they combine three critical functions: the generation of revenue for the realization of rights; achieving equality and tackling discrimination; and strengthening governance and accountability. Taxation is essential to finance for development and can be a powerful tool for stimulating poverty reduction. Higher and more stable revenues result in increased sustainable investment in public services, infrastructure and other development needs, and improve competitiveness of economies over the long term.

    Many countries struggle to collect sufficient tax revenue to adequately fund the realization of human rights. Domestic resource mobilization is hampered by inadequate global tax standards, race-to-the-bottom tax competition, the lack of financial transparency including the existence of secrecy jurisdictions, and a proliferation of other harmful tax policies and practices. For example, developing countries are often not benefitting from the extraction and use of their natural resources in large part because of lack of transparency, regulation and fair and effective taxation. These problems also contribute to environmental degradation and abuse.

    Regressive fiscal policies being pursued in many countries from North to South have posed a serious threat to the economic and social rights of already disadvantaged groups. This basic injustice is fuelling deeper economic, gender, and political inequalities, and eroding trust in government institutions seen as more accountable to transnational economic elites than to their own people.

    Tax policy is public policy, and cannot be treated as a matter of mere technical engineering or be left to unaccountable discretion of government. Tax laws, policies and practices must work to end structural discrimination rather than to entrench growing gender and economic inequalities. We call on governments to implement tax policy to the highest standards of transparency, public participation, and meaningful accountability in line with human rights principles.

    International cooperation for global solutions

    Today’s international corporate tax system is outdated and privileges multinational corporate groups and global financial interests while preventing national governments from raising sufficient revenue in non-discriminatory and accountable ways. Further, in the globalized economy, no country can tackle tax evasion and avoidance on its own, as underlined by recent and ongoing and ongoing tax haven scandals including the Offshore leaks (2013), LuxLeaks (2014), Swiss Leaks (2015) and Panama Papers (2016).

    Recent tax related international negotiations have been far from globally representative. More than 100 developing countries were excluded when the OECD and G20 negotiated standards for base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and exchange of information. As long as the OECD and G20 are the lead decision-making bodies on global tax standards, the unfair playing field will be maintained and the specific interest and challenges for developing countries will be given less priority. For example, taxation of the extractive sector and rationalization of tax incentives are among issues that are not being addressed.

    Global cooperation is urgently needed to establish the basis for fair, effective and progressive fiscal and tax systems that provide a sustainable source of income and reduce inequality.

    We therefore demand the following from our governments:

    Fair international tax rules that make multinationals pay their share

    · Ensure the review of Double Taxation Agreements to bring them fully in line with sustainable development and financing for development needs and agenda.

    · Develop solid alternatives to the dysfunctional Arm’s Length Principle.

    · Remove policies and treaties that erode the tax base of other countries.

    Progressive tax policies to tackle inequality within countries

    · Reduce inequality by adopting a full range of progressive taxation measures. Tax policy design and implementation must actively seek to reduce income and gender inequality.

    · Make it the highest priority commitment to invest tax funds in the vital human development related public services and public infrastructure (e.g., health, education, water, housing, sanitation, transportation), sustainable development, adequate social protection floors and to reverse climate change.

    · Provide the means for citizens to make their voices heard and hold governments accountable on their tax policies and how revenue raised is spent.

    · Ensure fiscal policies are gender sensitive. This should include assessing and tracking the impact of regressive taxes, such as VAT, and the tax burden, and implementing measures to shift the burden away from poor women and men.

    · Adopt and implement a financial transactions tax.

    · Whistleblowers and other tax justice advocates who work in the public interest to expose blatant tax abuses should be considered human rights defenders and be protected accordingly.

    · Governments should implement national laws to end tax avoidance.

    · Governments and local authorities should not allow public funding for companies with offshore holdings.

    International cooperation for global solutions

    · Establish an inclusive and well-resourced intergovernmental body on tax matters under the auspices of the United Nations, which can initiate and lead negotiations on a new UN framework convention on international cooperation in tax matters as a first step in the reform of international tax rules.

    · We call on states to conduct human rights impact assessments of the spill-over effects of their tax policies on other countries, to take immediate action to halt any harmful practices, and to provide effective remedy where harm is done.

    Automatic information exchange and tax transparency for multinational corporations

    · Adopt a common UN standard of multilateral, automatic exchange of tax information with the option of non-reciprocal information exchange for countries with low capacity.

    · Eliminate secrecy of beneficial ownership worldwide through public registers of beneficial owners, including all large corporate entities and trusts.

    · Ensure financial transparency by implementing annual public country-by-country reporting by multinational corporations.

    · Publish and make accountable the agreements made between companies and governments on tax incentives.

    · Ensure that tax administrations are well resourced.

    Regarding human rights, we call on :

    · Companies and corporate groups to assess and address corporate tax abuse, including in their policy statements and due diligence processes, starting from a clear recognition of the adverse human rights impacts of tax abuse and in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

    · Advisors, enablers and suppliers of schemes that may lead to tax abuse (in particular tax lawyers, accountants, financial intermediaries) to recognize their particular human rights responsibilities and redress any harmful activities.

    · International institutions to reform the broken global tax system by integrating human rights standards into how they address corporate tax avoidance and the adverse spill-over effects of certain governments’ tax policies. International financial institutions that advise governments on their tax and fiscal policies must, above all, respect those governments’ human rights obligations.

    · The human rights community at large (including advocates, lawyers, academia, women’s rights organizations, trade unions, national human rights institutions, treaty bodies and regional commissions) to actively examine how tax practices affect their mission, and develop practical processes to advance tax justice in their work.

    To advance this tax justice agenda, we commit ourselves to

    · Continue to collaborate and build local, regional and global synergies for advocacy, campaigns and peoples’ mobilizations for tax justice.
    · Enhance our efforts to create strong social movements locally and globally to force governments and challenge multinationals to end tax dodging. This includes on-going campaign actions and specific global days of action for tax and fiscal justice, public awareness-raising and funding support for progressive alternative media.
    · Promote gender justice as a key element of tax justice. This includes engaging at the national level to challenge discriminatory tax laws and ensure that tax policies recognize the invisible and unpaid care work of women.
    · Advance tax justice as a means to deliver climate justice by generating financing, including for adaptation and mitigation.
    · Work together to transform the current economic system that privileges corporations and the wealthy, drives inequality and hurts our environment.
    · Organize a global day of action against tax havens. [potential dates proposed include anniversary of Panama Papers release or June 10 (USA)]
    · Creative actions to denounce banks involved in tax evasion.
    · Citizen-led debt audits to assess tax policies and how revenue raised is spent.

    *This 2016 World Social Forum “Disarm finance and achieve tax justice” declaration follows in the WSF tradition which
    at Porto Alegre in 2002 resulted in the “Universal declaration on the right to tax justice as a component part of social justice,”

    at Tunis in 2013 produced the declaration on “Tax justice for social justice” and

    at Tunis in 2015 issued the declaration on “Tax justice to end inequality”, and

    references the 2015 Lima Declaration on Tax Justice and Human Rights.

    – If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ‘follow group’ button in its page”
    – For more information about this initiative, open it and click the button Initiative in the menu after the description.

    Public Group / 5 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 4 months ago

    Suite à l’initiative fédérale suisse http://www.monnaie-pleine.ch qui va être votée dans les mois à venir, créer un mouvement international de soutien à cette idée. Cette initiative prévoit notamment des versements directs des créations monétaires à tous les habitants du pays. http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/fragen/
    Pour une monnaie bien commun. AAA+, pour une banque centrale coopérative et citoyenne. http://aaapositifs.ch/

    Following the success of the Swiss Federal initiative http://www.initiative-monnaie-pleine.ch/english/ which will be voted in the coming months, we want to create an international movement in support of this idea, positive money or full money. This particular initiative provides direct payments of money creation to all inhabitants of any country. Quantitative easings to people ?
    Switzerland is politically unique in this regard as the Swiss Constitution provides a political instrument known as the Volksinitiative (Peoples’ Initiative) which enables Swiss citizens to launch an initiative aimed at changing specific provisions within the Swiss Constitution. To do so has required first of all the collection within an 18 month period of 100’000 valid signatures in support of the initiative. This has been done…
    In a nut shell, the proposal extends the Swiss Federation’s existing exclusive right to create swiss francs coins and notes, to also include deposits. With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks would no longer have the power to create swiss official money through lending. The Swiss National Bank’s primary role becomes the management of the money supply relative to the productive economy, while the decision concerning how new money is introduced debt free into the economy would reside with the government. As is evident from the foregoing, the MoMo monetary reform initiative is essentially based on the monetary reform advocated by PositiveMoney.
    For those interested in following the developments of the campaign, or who would like to understand the detailed provisions, including those relating to the transition period, please refer to the campaign website. The website is in German, French, and Italian, so language might present a limitation for many of you. Nevertheless, we do encourage you to visit the website and if you have specific questions, to leave a message in English. Someone from the team who speaks English will get back to you. T…. Although, this is a non-UK initaitive, the MoMo team succeeded in putting such a fundamental reform proposal to a national vote, this is a momentous achievement for the monetary reform movement in Europe and across the globe. All eyes are fixed on Switzerland, because success for this small but significant player in the financial arena would inevitably have a ripple effect in other countries. The others swiss free currencies, as the http://www.wir.ch are protected.

    – URL of the activity related to the initiative on WSF 2016 web site :
    – If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ‘follow group’ button here below
    – If you want to see the whole initiative press ‘initiative’ in the menu bar below this text.

    Public Group / 25 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Promotion de la santé communautaire

    Public Group / 4 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Festival des solidarités en France du 17 novembre au 3 décembre 2016 ( et aussi en Novembre 2017) http://www.lasemaine.org
    Événement national et décentralisé de mobilisation et d’interpellation sur les questions de solidarités 6000 événements d’éducation populaire culturels dans l’espace public partout en France
    Porté par des associations de solidarité internationale ou locale des centres sociaux des établissement scolaires plus de 2000 impliquées

    – Si vous êtes intéressé(e) par cette initiative, appuyer sur le bouton ‘suivre ce groupe’ ci-dessous.
    – Pour voir l’intégralité de la fiche initiative, cliquer sur ‘initiative’ dans le menu qui est en bas de ce texte

    Public Group / 7 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Construire pour mieux resister

    Public Group / 3 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The IPB is a global network dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910), and 13 of our officers have also been recipients of the Prize. Our 300 member organisations in 70 countries, and individual members, form a global network bringing together expertise and campaigning experience in a common cause. IPB has UN Consultative Status and is the Secretariat for the NGO Committee for Disarmament (Geneva). Our main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development, of which the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is a key part.

    Public Group / 21 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement. It brings together churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 500 million Christians. WCC member churches are called to engage in Christian service by serving human need, breaking down barriers between people, seeking justice and peace, and upholding the integrity of creation.

    Public Group / 6 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The BWI is the Global Union Federation grouping free and democratic unions with members in the Building, Building Materials, Wood, Forestry and Allied sectors.
    The BWI groups together around 326 trade unions representing around 12 million members in 130 countries. The Headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional Offices and Project Offices are located in Panama and Malaysia, South Africa, India, Burkina Faso, Curaçao, Chile, Kenya, Russia, Peru, Brazil and Thailand.
    Our mission is to promote the development of trade unions in our sectors throughout the world and to promote and enforce workers rights in the context of sustainable development.

    Public Group / 8 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Réunir les organisations et la société civile autour du mouvement équitable et de ses dynamiques conjointes : Économie Sociale et Solidaire, Droits humain, Souveraineté Alimentaires, Agricultures Paysannes, Enjeux Climatiques, Éducation à la Citoyenneté et Solidarité Internationale.

    Cette initiative a été présentée à l’assemblée de convergence : https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/assemblee-de-convergence-commerce-equitable/

    Pour plus d’information sur cette initiative, cliquer sur le bouton Initiative dans le menu sous la description.

    Public Group / 7 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Les buts poursuivi par la M.C.I est d’entraider entre les congolais vivant en Israël tout en consolidant nos relations mutuelles dans la communauté congolaise et de promouvoir les activités dites culturelles, sportive, caritatives et sociale. C’est dans cette optique que notre organisation est considérée comme un espace des réflexions sur le développement de la république démocratique du Congo et des sujets qui touche le monde.

    Public Group / 13 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Reflect upon systemic social change and foster plans of action to initiate a transition based on sound science put to the service of the common good for all humanity.

    Public Group / 183 participants