
Groups directory

  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 4 months ago

    Suite à l’initiative fédérale suisse qui va être votée dans les mois à venir, créer un mouvement international de soutien à cette idée. Cette initiative prévoit notamment des versements directs des créations monétaires à tous les habitants du pays.
    Pour une monnaie bien commun. AAA+, pour une banque centrale coopérative et citoyenne.

    Following the success of the Swiss Federal initiative which will be voted in the coming months, we want to create an international movement in support of this idea, positive money or full money. This particular initiative provides direct payments of money creation to all inhabitants of any country. Quantitative easings to people ?
    Switzerland is politically unique in this regard as the Swiss Constitution provides a political instrument known as the Volksinitiative (Peoples’ Initiative) which enables Swiss citizens to launch an initiative aimed at changing specific provisions within the Swiss Constitution. To do so has required first of all the collection within an 18 month period of 100’000 valid signatures in support of the initiative. This has been done…
    In a nut shell, the proposal extends the Swiss Federation’s existing exclusive right to create swiss francs coins and notes, to also include deposits. With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks would no longer have the power to create swiss official money through lending. The Swiss National Bank’s primary role becomes the management of the money supply relative to the productive economy, while the decision concerning how new money is introduced debt free into the economy would reside with the government. As is evident from the foregoing, the MoMo monetary reform initiative is essentially based on the monetary reform advocated by PositiveMoney.
    For those interested in following the developments of the campaign, or who would like to understand the detailed provisions, including those relating to the transition period, please refer to the campaign website. The website is in German, French, and Italian, so language might present a limitation for many of you. Nevertheless, we do encourage you to visit the website and if you have specific questions, to leave a message in English. Someone from the team who speaks English will get back to you. T…. Although, this is a non-UK initaitive, the MoMo team succeeded in putting such a fundamental reform proposal to a national vote, this is a momentous achievement for the monetary reform movement in Europe and across the globe. All eyes are fixed on Switzerland, because success for this small but significant player in the financial arena would inevitably have a ripple effect in other countries. The others swiss free currencies, as the are protected.

    – URL of the activity related to the initiative on WSF 2016 web site :
    – If your are interested by the initiative you can press the ‘follow group’ button here below
    – If you want to see the whole initiative press ‘initiative’ in the menu bar below this text.

    Public Group / 25 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 4 months ago


    OUI À LA VOLONTÉ POPULAIRE : SEULE LA BANQUE NATIONALE CRÉE L’ARGENT officiel suisse, les francs suisses, en respectant les autres monnaies, comme le


    Public Group / 13 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Promotion de la santé communautaire

    Public Group / 4 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Festival des solidarités en France du 17 novembre au 3 décembre 2016 ( et aussi en Novembre 2017)
    Événement national et décentralisé de mobilisation et d’interpellation sur les questions de solidarités 6000 événements d’éducation populaire culturels dans l’espace public partout en France
    Porté par des associations de solidarité internationale ou locale des centres sociaux des établissement scolaires plus de 2000 impliquées

    – Si vous êtes intéressé(e) par cette initiative, appuyer sur le bouton ‘suivre ce groupe’ ci-dessous.
    – Pour voir l’intégralité de la fiche initiative, cliquer sur ‘initiative’ dans le menu qui est en bas de ce texte

    Public Group / 7 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Imagine your asthmatic sister could do a follow up of her condition on her smartphone. Imagine this breathing device would be available at minimal cost everywhere – some countries do not even have his medical equipment for their hospitals.

    Do you know about electronics, physics, algorithms, health compliance, community building ? Join us in this workshop to collaboratively produce a free/libre and open source device to assess lung capacity functions. The device will be tested by Sainte-Justine university hospital as part of the Breathing Games initiative ( Contributions will be logged in our system to enable a redistribution of the raised funds.

    Public Group / 1 participant
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    EN – Collective creation of digital games to prevent asthma crises, and a hardware device to measure breathing.

    FR – Création collectivem de jeux numériques pour prévenir les crises d’asthme, et un appareil hardware pour mesurer la respiration
    Détails :

    Public Group / 1 participant
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 5 months ago

    Construire pour mieux resister

    Public Group / 3 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Franciscans International (FI) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) working for the promotion, protection, and respect of human and environmental rights. Since its establishment in 1989, FI uses advocacy as a tool to combat and curb human rights abuses. FI is inspired by Franciscan values envisioning a global community in which the dignity of every person is respected, the resources are shared equitably, the environment is sustained, and nations and peoples live in peace. In 1995 FI was granted the “General Consultative Status” under ECOSOC which allows FI to address human rights and environmental issues at the United Nations (UN).

    Public Group / 14 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The IPB is a global network dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910), and 13 of our officers have also been recipients of the Prize. Our 300 member organisations in 70 countries, and individual members, form a global network bringing together expertise and campaigning experience in a common cause. IPB has UN Consultative Status and is the Secretariat for the NGO Committee for Disarmament (Geneva). Our main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development, of which the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is a key part.

    Public Group / 21 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement. It brings together churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 500 million Christians. WCC member churches are called to engage in Christian service by serving human need, breaking down barriers between people, seeking justice and peace, and upholding the integrity of creation.

    Public Group / 6 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The BWI is the Global Union Federation grouping free and democratic unions with members in the Building, Building Materials, Wood, Forestry and Allied sectors.
    The BWI groups together around 326 trade unions representing around 12 million members in 130 countries. The Headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional Offices and Project Offices are located in Panama and Malaysia, South Africa, India, Burkina Faso, Curaçao, Chile, Kenya, Russia, Peru, Brazil and Thailand.
    Our mission is to promote the development of trade unions in our sectors throughout the world and to promote and enforce workers rights in the context of sustainable development.

    Public Group / 8 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    To strengthen the institutionalization of a global community as part of a responsible, democratic, sustainable and inclusive global governance.

    Public Group / 22 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity.

    The WCC brings together churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 500 million Christians and including most of the world’s Orthodox churches, scores of Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed churches, as well as many United and Independent churches. At the end of 2013, there were 345 member churches. While the bulk of the WCC’s founding churches were European and North American, today most member churches are in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific.

    For its member churches, the WCC is a unique space: one in which they can reflect, speak, act, worship and work together, challenge and support each other, share and debate with each other. As members of this fellowship, WCC member churches:

    are called to the goal of visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship;
    promote their common witness in work for mission and evangelism;
    engage in Christian service by serving human need, breaking down barriers between people, seeking justice and peace, and upholding the integrity of creation; and
    foster renewal in unity, worship, mission and service.

    Public Group / 10 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Christian witness for water justice

    Public Group / 4 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Tools for localisation

    Public Group / 4 participants
  • Initiative
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Réunir les organisations et la société civile autour du mouvement équitable et de ses dynamiques conjointes : Économie Sociale et Solidaire, Droits humain, Souveraineté Alimentaires, Agricultures Paysannes, Enjeux Climatiques, Éducation à la Citoyenneté et Solidarité Internationale.

    Cette initiative a été présentée à l’assemblée de convergence :

    Pour plus d’information sur cette initiative, cliquer sur le bouton Initiative dans le menu sous la description.

    Public Group / 7 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Notre mission: accroître le nombre d’immigrants dans la région du Lac-Saint-Jean en assurant des services d’accueil, d’accompagnement et d’intégration socioprofessionnelle personnalisés. Portes ouvertes sur le Lac vise également l’engagement et l’ouverture de la communauté, notamment des entreprises, par des actions qui favorisent la rétention et une meilleure compréhension des apports liés à l’immigration.

    Public Group / 8 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Le paradisme est une nouvelle organisation de la société pour libérer les humains du travail obligatoire et de l’argent en utilisant les progrès de la science et de la technologie.

    Grâce à la grande liberté que nous donne la science, la progression technologique exponentielle en robotique, ordinateurs, intelligence artificielle, nanotechnologies, etc… il est possible de créer une société juste où les richesses sont réparties entre tous les citoyens, et les machines mises au travail pour satisfaire les besoins de tous, au lieu de ne profiter qu’à un petit nombre, comme c’est maintenant le cas. Partout dans le monde des gens se lèvent pour dénoncer les abus et la manipulation des dirigeants. Le Paradisme suggère d’enlever le pouvoir aux gouvernements et les remplacer par des collèges de guidance et des comités connexes au service des citoyens dans leur ensemble.

    Les valeurs que les nouvelles générations proposent ressemblent au Paradisme :
    1. Libérer les humains du travail obligatoire.
    2. Éliminer l’argent.
    3. Donner la priorité aux recherches scientifiques.
    4. Distribuer gratuitement aux citoyens une base comme des aliments sains, une eau de qualité et couvrir tous leurs besoins sanitaires ainsi que l’habitation, le transport, etc.
    5. Fournir gratuitement les soins de santé, une connexion Internet et une éducation à tous les niveaux.
    6. S’assurer que la technologie serve à tous et non juste à quelques uns.

    Plus d’information à : www,

    Paradism : For a World without work and money thanks to Science
    Aug 10 2016 9:00 – 11:30

    The FSM is addressing many urgent matters we faced on planet Earth. Our economic system no longer works and a new system: PARADISM must urgently be put in place to replace the current one. Respect for life, resources, human rights, freedom, justice, education, basic living needs met for everyone and future generation, all these and much more are now possible thanks to the exponential development in various science and technologies such as robotics, advanced manufacturing, computers, health science, nanotechnologies, etc…

    6 Fundamentals of Paradism are:
    1. Liberate human beings from work
    2. Eliminate money
    3. Prioritize scientific development
    4. Give every Citizen some free quality food, water, and sanitary conditions
    5. Provide health care 24/7 and free internet access to everyone
    6. Ensure technology benefits everyone not just a few

    Public Group / 10 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Nous sommes un organisme sans but lucratif née d’une initiative citoyenne. Nous militons pour l’implantation d’un revenu de base au Québec. Nous croyons qu’un revenu de base permettra de simplifier le fonctionnement de l’État, mais par-dessus tout d’assurer une vie digne à chaque Québecois(e) en plus de permettre à tous(tes) de poursuivre ses ambitions. Nous espérons initier et soutenir un dialogue entre parties prenantes pour le bénéfice des citoyens et citoyennes du Québec.

    We are a not-for-profit organization created from a citizen-led initiative. We are striving for an Unconditional Basic Income in Quebec. We believe that a UBI would simplify the functions of the government, and more, would provide each Quebecer with a life of dignity and the capacity to pursue their ambitions.

    We aspire to spark and maintain a dialogue of the merits of UBI for all Quebecers.

    Public Group / 105 participants
  • Organization
    active 4 years, 6 months ago

    Les buts poursuivi par la M.C.I est d’entraider entre les congolais vivant en Israël tout en consolidant nos relations mutuelles dans la communauté congolaise et de promouvoir les activités dites culturelles, sportive, caritatives et sociale. C’est dans cette optique que notre organisation est considérée comme un espace des réflexions sur le développement de la république démocratique du Congo et des sujets qui touche le monde.

    Public Group / 13 participants